By James Casbolt
Posted September 8, 2008
Excerpted from Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (2008)Chapter 1My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I was chosen for an intelligence agency mind control and genetic enhancement programme before my birth and was born into the programme known as Project Mannequin. This project is one of the most secret and classified projects in this country, and this is the first ever book written about it.I was born into the project because of rare genetic attributes that I posses, which the handlers of the project are looking for – also, because of my family’s involvement in the intelligence community and the Illuminati. My family descends from the French royal family of the French revolution on my father's side. My Grandfather was involved in naval intelligence in the Second World War. His name was James Casbolt. He was also a high-ranking member of the Sindlesham Grand Masonic lodge in Berkshire. Berkshire is a major centre of activity in the U.K for what has come to be known as “The New World Order.” He was a Zionist Jew and also heavily involved with Rupert Murdoch and ran his own printing company after the war. My uncle was an MI 5 operative in logistics - his name is Brain Casbolt - and my father was a MI 6 operative; his name was Peter Casbolt. My father was also known under many different aliases in the intelligence community. My stepfather, Neil Pettet, was a high level executive of an aluminium metal company called Hi-Mets (now called Service Metals). This company was based in Newbury, practically right on top of the AL/499 facility. Neil had a military defence contract with the M.O.D and worked underground at R.A.F. Welford connects underground to the AL/499. He also worked at Harwell genetics labs in the area and Boscombe Down military unit in Wiltshire. Both these places are heavily connected to Project Mannequin, as we shall see later in this book.I also have a relation called Charles Casbolt. Charles had so many kills during dogfights in the RAF during the time of the Second World War, there is a war hero web site dedicated to him on the internet. Google “Charles Casbolt” to see this. My father was involved in international drug trafficking operations bringing millions of pounds worth of illegal drugs into Britain from the 1960’s onward. He worked with associates of MI 6 operative Howard Marks and operated in Rome, Spain, the Middle East, and other places. MI 6 and the CIA have become infamous for this, and the drug money is known in secret service circles as “non-appropriated funds.” This money funds covert projects that need to be kept off certain official government records. Many of these issues, as well as my involvement in Project Mannequin, will be made public for the first time in this book. I have had constant death threats, and even intelligence people die in very suspicious circumstances hours before arranged meetings with me; however, the mission of getting this highly classified information to the public and exposing the people perpetuating the horrors of this medical project is bigger than me and must be made public. The disregard for human life and suffering compares with the Nazi scientists’ genetic and mind control experimentation in World War II.Project Mannequin is a mind control and genetic manipulation programme run by the National Security Agency (NSA). Although the NSA is officially the United States government, they run many covert “black” projects in many countries around the world. The NSA is fast becoming the world’s most powerful secret service and is currently taking over much of the global intelligence apparatus. Project Mannequin was started in 1972 and is still being run from a 6-level underground facility beneath the small town of Peasemore in Berkshire, a few miles from where I grew up. This underground base is so secret that the local residents of Peasemore are not even aware it exists.This NSA facility, known in intelligence circles as the AL/499 base, is located 200 feet below the village. There are entrances to the facility at Greenham common (known as ‘Bravo’ entrance, which is now sealed off), Watchfield Military Science College (‘Delta’ entrance), and Harwell laboratories in Oxfordshire. There are entrances to the base in Lambourne and Welford in Berkshire. The underground base at Lambourne is the “Area 51” of the U.K. with many exotic, anti-gravity aircraft stored there. The project involves the kidnapping of targeted civilians and also certain intelligence and military people. Some of the intelligence and military personnel have volunteered for the project, but many have not. Almost all of the civilian “guinea pigs” have not volunteered and have been used against their wills. I was “sold” into the project. Many of the civilians have also been used in the project from young children. The reason is to create programmed “sleeper” agents using sophisticated electronic hardware-based hypnosis. These individuals are programmed by the NSA to carry out future tasks, set by the NSA, and become hit men as adults. Sleepers are people who carry out a huge variety of pre-programmed tasks with sometimes little awareness of the medical procedures in Project Mannequin because of advanced memory erasure techniques.A large part of the project focuses on creating espionage agents and assassins who have undergone genetic enhancements, which will be discussed in greater detail in this book. Project Mannequin is actually a type of “school” I grew up in. I have been trained since the age of five at the AL/499 and other military bases around the U.K. I carried out my first covert assassination for the intelligence community when I was sixteen years old in Brighton. This may sound unbelievable to many people, but a vast amount of evidence will be presented in this book. Most people do not know what the intelligence community actually is. Forget about James Bond movies; much of the secret service apparatus in the U.K and U.S. is an occult, paedophile network run by corrupt factions of the “Illuminated” degrees of Freemasonry (33rd degree and above).Everything in Project Mannequin is organized by the Jewish kabala occult system, using such esoteric methods as numerology and archeometry (advanced remote viewing). Even the name James Casbolt means “valiant, decorated warrior of death and destruction” in Kabala numerology. You can check this yourself on the kabala calculator available on the Internet.My security number in Project Mannequin was X4566-2, and I was a commander of a 5-member unit that consisted of four males and one female. Even this was based around the kabala, as the five members each represented one of the five elements- air, water, fire, earth, metal/spirit. Our assassination unit was part of a 15-member “Delta” team, and the team was divided into three units. Each unit comprised of four males and one female. I was known as Commander Michael Prince. During my “visits” to the AL/499 throughout my life, I was taken through the Greenham common Bravo entrance most of the time. Sometimes other entrances were used. At the Alpha entrance in Harwell laboratories, there is a security area in one of the buildings. This security area (A) is guarded by two security officers who are both armed. At this area is an elevator that descends 200 feet to security area B. The elevator has two sections: One for personnel and guinea pigs and one for vehicles. The second security area is larger and has four, and sometimes five, officers that are all fully armed.Area B has two highly secure blast doors that will seal off the tunnel to the AL/499 in the event of an emergency. Security Area B has two vehicles in operation that travel back and forth from Harwell to Peasmore. The security officers escort all guinea pigs to, from, and around the AL/499. The medical subjects are drugged when they enter the facility. My involvement with the intelligence community goes back years, as it was planned for, as a child in Project mannequin that I would be “used” as an espionage agent when I grew up. By the time I was eighteen, I was involved in advanced remote viewing programs at an underground facility in London. By the time I was nineteen, I was involved in covert MI 6 drug trafficking operations working for my father. This was in London between 1995 and 1999. My father, uncle, and grandfather also had mind control issues, and the programming sites in this country where my father was programmed will be discussed in this book.Intelligence-run mind control operations are usually a multi-generational thing with each generation more easily programmed, as the genetic memory of the horrific medical procedures become more ingrained into the family’s genetic makeup. In the 1950’s, a genetic bloodline study was started by the NSA based at Harwell Laboratories to find suitable candidates, especially children, to be used in Project Mannequin. From this study, the project was started in 1972; however, my family may have been targeted for mind control before the 1950's.The NSA is very interested in creating genetically enhanced assassins and espionage agents who have certain inborn genetic traits such as PSI/psychic ability. These genetic enhancement methods are a continuation of the Nazi geneticists and mind control doctors in the Second World War. As many people know, the Nazi’s were heavily into the occult, and Hitler was trying to create his “Uberman,” which is German for superman. This is a genetically enhanced soldier with heightened senses, intelligence, strength, and paranormal abilities such as telepathy. All of this will be covered in detail in chapter two. The NSA is looking for people of certain bloodlines, and these people are mainly of Celtic/blue blood (aristocratic) genetics. Individuals with these genetics have a predisposition to paranormal/PSI ability, as these cultures have practiced psychic abilities for generations in ancient rituals that have their modern expression in freemasonry; therefore, it is in the genetic memory of people of these bloodlines, even if they have not practiced psychic ability themselves.There are generations of high-level masonry in my family. Individuals of Celtic blue blood lines have an RH-negative blood factor. This is a very rare blood type and makes up about 5% of the population. RH-negative means oxygen is processed in the blood differently to people with RH-positive blood. The amount of oxygen processed by the body makes all the difference in unusual abilities. This is evident in arts like Tai chi a nd Yoga. There are also deeper issues, which connect to the so-called ancient “Nephilim” of the Bible. My father’s mother was a French aristocrat named Vera Tilard. There were generations of high level Freemasonry in the De Tilard family. The family line then went through Scotland and into this country. The Tilard’s have a coat of arms that is handed through the generations to the eldest son. Because of all this, my involvement with the global intelligence apparatus has been extensive.As I began to untangle myself from the project, I was directly helped by renegade factions in British Intelligence and the NSA, who want to see Mannequin shut down. I was given an UMBRA-1 (one level above top secret) security clearance by this NSA faction and de-briefed on deeper aspects of the program and things that changed me for life. Because of what I was told and shown, I will never be the same again. Most of this will be detailed in this book, and various official documents that have my name and number will also be included. There are both positive and negative factions in the NSA and British Intelligence involved in an internal war with each other. In fact, the whole global intelligence community has descended into chaos with much infighting going on between rival factions, often in the same organisations. I was also given some technology that was created by the NSA in the 1960’s, which opens up neural pathways in the brain to recover memories that have been suppressed in the mind control projects. Amongst other things, I have been provided with highly classified documentation that teaches how to control your own brain waves and master and take control of myself instead of the project controlling me.Brain wave control is a large part of Project Mannequin, and people breaking free of it need to be able to control their own brain waves. These self-mastery methods I have taught are similar to very advanced meditation, but using machines and advanced physics created by PHD bio-physicists.I am now thirty one years old, and around this age, the neural pathways in the brain that hold back memories of mind control procedures often begin to open up, and the victim begins to remember in detail what happened to them in the facilities where the procedures occurred. Often, a sleeper is killed before their 30th birthday because of this. This is known in intelligence circles as “being thrown from the Freedom train.” Freedom train is code speak for the vast numbers of civilian victims who are being used in the many mind control projects in this country and abroad. Specific “programs” that hold instructions for tasks, and even enhanced abilities, are installed into Project Mannequin victims’ memories. In the project, you are taught things like how to access PSI ability and how to “tag” a room, a person, a vehicle etc., advanced combat, crowd control, psychological warfare, torture and interrogation techniques, etc.This information is stored in compartments in my mind that only the handlers of the project had access to and could bring forth using hypnotic triggers. That was until my memories started to come back in detail in 2006, and the amnesic barriers around these compartments began to break down. With the right help and my de-programming efforts, I am slowly accessing more and more of this information. At least five Mannequin programs and a whole bunch of related sub-projects have been uncovered in me. These have been installed into me and are classified under Greek letters, which are also the name of specific brain waves. For example, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Omega. The Theta program is a PSI/telepathy program that enables me to physically see Scalar based radio sound waves. I can also manipulate these sound waves with my mind. The most important technology the intelligence community uses is scalar/radio sound based. You can therefore imagine how important this ability would be to an individual involved in espionage.The brain has the ability to receive, give off, and manipulate radio waves. If you hold a glass or a shell to your ear, the static-like hissing sound (like the sound of rushing air) is the glass or shell acting as a container and “capturing” the radio sound waves that the brain is giving off. The brain has a telepathic receiver and transmitter that uses sound waves. In fact, thoughts are simply scalar sound waves that most people cannot see but are very real. Hence “Tele”pathy, “ Tele”visions, and “Tele”phones. I have photos that will be shown in this book of me manipulating scalar/radio waves. It is possible to catch them on digital camera. Imagine my surprise last year when the parts of my brain that hold PSI ability from the project started to integrate with my everyday personality. I was seeing waves of light coming off people’s heads, off of antennas on people’s houses and cars, and off of mobile phone masts. I thought I was going crazy until one of my friends explained what they were and showed me how you can take pictures of these radio waves. It’s a strange thing to describe. Sound waves look like someone has dropped a pebble into a pond, and ripples are coming out in circles and waves.From my understanding, sound is the secret of life, and PHD scientists who work for the NSA know this well. That is why advanced physics is kept so secret and out of the public domain. There has recently been a film released called The Secret, which claims that a person can create the reality around them using their thoughts. When I saw the film, I immediately noticed this was just watered down physics the NSA had taught me in the past. I have done things in the past year like getting my information out to millions of people through radio shows, magazines, and the internet using the methods I was taught by this positive cell in the NSA. They call this MPO (Manifest Production Observership) and LERM (Light Encoded Reality Matrix). Without getting into the technical nitty gritty, LERM relies on the integrated functioning of three important organs in the body: the cortical brain complex (which includes the old reptilian, old mammalian, and necrotic brains), the heart, and the visceral or enteric brain. LERM is taught to initiates of the highest levels of Freemasonry, as well as the NSA people. It is fairly simple once you break it down, and people who understand it can manifest their desires into reality extremely quickly.This would seem like magic to the uninitiated, but so would have televisions and radio waves to the someone a couple of hundred years ago. This secret technology is years more advanced than anything in the public domain and is science that was developed at the Pine Gap underground NSA in Australia, as well as other places. I will be putting some of these NSA physics documents in this book, so you can learn how to do it as well, even though certain factions do not want this information getting out. These documents point towards pure consciousness existing as pure sound on a higher frequency or dimension, but more on this later.Other Mannequin programs that have been installed into me are known as “Janus/End times.” Janus is a sleeping program that activates when major events happen, like 9-11 and the coming plan for martial law in America, which some researchers refer to as the New World Order. Janus is the two-headed Roman god of change. I am actually against time to be de-programmed before events like martial law in America start to happen. If I am not de-programmed in time, I may be “used” by certain factions in the global intelligence community to advance their agendas. Private security firms are now being set up in the U.K, run by programmed operatives and connected organized crime members, to run the country when the police cannot control the chaos. Such firms as Noonan Security in Manchester run by Manchester crime lord Dominic Noonan of the Noonan crime family. I am sorry for his recent loss when his brother was murdered, but big things are planned for these “militia” type groups. An ex secret service friend of mine, who I will refer to as Carl, was even in the process of setting one up in Cornwall with ex hit men on the payroll. He asked me if I was interested and said he was recently in the Middle East securing funding from the Zionists in Israel.I know other genetically enhanced men who have had millions of pounds and dollars in procedures spent on them. Some of their stories will be presented in this book. Some of these individuals have not been “used” out in the public yet and are “on ice” waiting for their Janus programs to activate. I was recently sent intelligence regarding a nineteen-year-old man who recently disappeared in the U.S. after breaking his programming. It turns out he has many of the above-mentioned NSA programs installed in him. I have read his de-programming session reports, and e is among a growing number of people who have approached me to get out of similar projects. I have hypnotic commands that have been installed into me called Wernick commands. These were given to me in a drug and electro-shock state when I was hypnotised in the project. Some of theseWernick commands, put in me by NSA doctors, are “This is not happening,” “Never talk about this or people will think you are crazy,” “If you talk about this people will hate you,” “This is all a dream,” “This is a movie,” “If you start to remember you have a panic attack,” “If you start to remember you will die.” Mind control is just that: total mind control of an individual so they can be triggered into doing ANYTHING the handlers instruct. These programs can be activated using hypnotic triggers such as key words and phrases, and patterns with certain and long radio waves that activate tiny microchips injected in the body. There are photos of some of these chips in this book. The cranial implant I had in 1988 when I was eleven years old was an old “Tetra” series device. I have now been upgraded but was not told the name of the piece of hardware.As long as the hypnotic trigger is in the right sequence, the sleeper can be activated. Sleeper agents can be activated for tasks over the phone, as well. The following is a procedure used by Project Mannequin to set tasks and upload data into cranial implants that victims of the projects have been installed with - this is done by computer at the AL/499. Pre-programmed tasks for sleepers have been installed into the bases’ security computer years ago, as the project has a “life plan” for individuals to advance its agenda. This information was given to me by Barry King, a former AL/499 security officer.1) Base security computer finds individuals phone number, and dials.2) Assume the individual answers the phone... “Hello”3) Base computer then checks voiceprint, if matched, then continues.4) Electrical code signal is sent down the phone line to activate the microchip inside the individual’s body. Once this happens, the person is hypnotised and in a trance. A code is then relayed over the phone. This is an example of a real Mannequin code: “Lima, one, one, seven, two, bravo, mike, xxxx.”5) The individual awaits further code and instructions.6) A second electrical signal is sent down the phone line, followed by the remaining code: “The puppets are mobile, and it is we who pull the strings.”7) The individual is now fully primed and ready to either receive or send data and receive task details.If someone else answers the phone and the base security computer does not recognise the voiceprint of that person, then the call is terminated. If an answer phone is on again, the call is immediately terminated.As I said, you can be tasked to do anything, so it is very important to be de-programmed. This is not easy, though, because when one layer of programming is uncovered, another one is usually found underneath it. It can take years to strip away the layers, as so many programs are present. The White Tiger program is a combat program that uses martial arts, and it automatically kicks in if I feel threatened. I have been practising martial arts since I was six years old, as my mother would force me to go to Karate as a child. In Project Mannequin, if one family is being used, then all of the other immediate family will be, too - to a lesser degree than the targeted person. This is a security method, otherwise the close family would realise something is very wrong with the targeted person and start to investigate.I have a 9th Kyu grade in Shotakan Karate, a 6th Kup in Tae Kwon Do, and have years of experience in boxing, kick boxing, and Kung fu through training at many different clubs in Reading and Cornwall. I also fought a French kick boxing champion in Coventry in the 90’s, which I have on film and have got the better of highly ranked boxing and Judo champions in full contact sparring sessions.In one sparring session in 1998 when I was twenty-one, I threw and solidly connected with four punches in just over a second. I have this on videotape and will be releasing it along with other footage on my web site. There are many different types of agents in Project Mannequin, with different types of abilities. There is what is known as Type A and Type B, for example. Type A is a genetically enhanced human designed for combat with espionage capabilities. Type B is designed for espionage with combat capabilities. I am a Type B in the project. One of the first memories I have of the base from childhood was as follows: (I was drugged at the time and the memory is still very hazy.)When we arrived, I was taken into lab and strapped into a seat that looked like a dentist’s chair. There was a large screen in front of me, and I was injected with another drug - I later found out the name of the drug. It is an accelerated learning drug called Scopalamine. Another drug is also used, called Dythenol C. One man stood to the left of the chair, and another man stood to the right. They were both dressed in lab coats. The man on the right said to me, “if you forget everything we’ve told you, try and remember one thing: he’ll try and convince you that pain feels like pleasure.” He pointed to the other man when he said this. Images then started to appear on the screen in front of me, and I do not remember anything after that.I managed to track down a man called Barry King, who was a former security guard at the AL/499 underground base, and went to visit him at his house in Essex. Barry showed me a diagram of these programming seats, which the NSA refers to as “Trip-seats.” A copy of Barry’s trip-seat diagram is in this book. I had never heard the seat referred as this before I became familiar with this man. The diagram he showed me was exactly as I remember the seat I was programmed in. There are computer banks to the front and rear of the trip-seat and a control console in a room at the back and to the left of the trip-seat. Two seats, which the programmers sit in, are in this room. This security officer witnessed many of the strange things I saw in Project Mannequin. Not least, small military “bio-robots” that are part machine and part organic, known as PLF’s (Programmable Life Forms).These are short, grey-coloured beings used for many in the project. The PLF’s are developed in 3 stages, and each stage has it’s own section in the base. There are up to 500 stored at any one time, and these are used in the AL/499 and also shipped to various military bases in this country and overseas. The development between stages is rapid and is approximately 3 months. Depending on what the PLF’s are being used for, they have 3 fingers and a thumb, and some have 4 fingers and a thumb. Again, sketches by Barry King are provided in this book of the PLF’s nd their storage areas.At many points in the project, I endured intense and horrific torture known as “pain-pleasure reversals.” This played a large part in the mind control and memory erasure procedures. This will be discussed in greater detail, and the reasons for this outlined. Because of this, I have parts of my mind that are “buried alive” in my subconscious. This, along with the fact that the procedures occurred underground, is the reason for the title of this book.The memories that I have uncovered about my part in the project are only the tip of the iceberg. However, with the time, effort, and working with the right professionals who specialise in de-programming mind control, I will be able to put the pieces of my life back together. My motivation for doing this is to eventually be part of shutting Project Mannequin down and exposing the NSA personnel who are involved in this horrific mind control and genetic experimentation. I did not volunteer for this, and the people running the project, such as Mr. Whitmore (former head of the project) code named “Sentinel,” Mr. Samms (head of security), Mr. Hodge, Dr. Pearson and Dr. Perchowski, Commander Clavius and Commander Breaker, as well as the new generation of scientists, doctors and torturers, will pay dearly.- End of Chapter 1-
Chapter 2 , The Return of The Watchers
Chapters IndexChapter 1, Project Mannequin 2 , The Return of The Watchers 3, The Modern History of Behaviour Modification 4, The River of Love 5, Born into the Project
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Project Mannequin, Part 1
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