Thursday, September 16, 2010




* Explanation of the Tables
* Prophecies of the Messiah, His People and His enemy, corresponding with the Thirty-six Decans or Constellations accompanying the Signs
* Authorities for the Antiquity of the Signs of the Zodiac, their Names and Forms
* Aries. The Ram, or Lamb, coming Forth
* Taurus. The Bull, coming to Rule
* Gemini. The Twins, the United
* Cancer. The Crab or Scarabaeus, holding the Possession
* Leo. The Lion, the Separating
* Virgo. The Woman, bearing the Branch
* Libra. The Scales, the Redeeming
* Scorpio. The Scorpion, the Conflict
* Sagittarius. The Archer, the Going Forth
* Capricornus. The Goat, the Atonement Slain
* Aquarius. The Water-bearer, the Pouring Forth
* Pisces. The Fishes, the Multitudes Upheld
* Lunar Zodiac; or, Mansions of the Moon
* The Galactic Circle. A Way Returning
* The Twelve Signs, Sanscrit and Chinese
* The Pleiades
* Ursa Major and Minor, called the Great and Lesser Bear
* Orion
* Names of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
* Note on Enoch; Notes on the Names of the Antediluvian Patriarchs; on British Triads
* Names of the Sons of Jacob, according to their Birth. The Breastplate of the High Priest
* Genesis 49
* Numbers 24: Part of the Prophecy of Balaam
* Deuteronomy 33: Blessing of Moses
* The Encampment of Israel in the Wilderness, and the Breastplate of the High Priest
* The Twelve Signs as alluded to by Jacob in Genesis 49, and by Moses in Deuteronomy 33
* Types of the Levitical Law, corresponding with the Signs, or their accompanying Constellations
* On the Cherubic Forms as connected with the Emblems of Ancient Astronomy
* Symbols of the Constellations. The Twelve Signs
* Types of the Apocalypse, corresponding with the Emblems of the Constellations
* Prophecies of the Messiah, corresponding with the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and the Twelve Precious Stones of the Foundations of the Holy City of the Apocalypse, Rev 21
* On the Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures, as connected with the Names of Ancient Astronomy
* On the Immortality of the Soul as known to the Antediluvian Patriarchs, and to the Ancient Hebrews, and indicated by the Emblems of Ancient Astronomy
* On the Book of Job, as connected with the Emblems of Ancient Astronomy
* Prophecy, as connected with the Emblems of Ancient Astronomy, for which a Prophetic Import is claimed
* On the Original Language to which the Names of Ancient Astronomy are referred
* On the Connexion of the Greek with the Semitic Dialects
* The Names of the Twelve Chief Gods of Roman and Greek Mythology, explained from their Primitive Roots, and referred to the corresponding Signs
* The Twelve Labours of Hercules, as agreeing with the Signs
* The Sphinx, as connected with the Sign Virgo
* The Sibyl, as connected with the Sign Virgo
* On the Sign Virgo
* Ancient Arabian and Persian Traditions
* The Star of Bethlehem
* The Southern Fish, in Aquarius
* The Hebrew Alphabet, as connected with the Constellations
* On the Antiquity of the Square Character of the Hebrew
* Meanings of the Hebrew Alphabet, from Ancient Jewish Authorities. (Gaffarelli, Cur. Lit.)
* The Southern Cross
* Ancient Names of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, explained from their Primitive Roots
* Ancient Names of the Planets, explained from their Primitive Roots
* Names of Egyptian Gods, explained from their Primitive Roots, and referred to the corresponding Planets and Signs. The Eight Gods of the First Order
* The Twelve Great Gods of Assyria. Presided over by Ashur, the King of the Circle of the Great Gods
* Names of the Stones on the Foundations of the Holy City, in the order in which they are given in Revelation 21:19, 20, referred to the Hebrew Roots
* On the Sign Capricorn
* On the Sign Aries


Rivingtons, Waterloo Place.


* Days of the Planetary Week, as named after the Sun, Moon, and Five Planets
* Memorial Lines for the Planetary Week, as connected with Prophecy
* Names of the Days of the Planetary Week of the Brahmins, as given by Le Gentil
* Singalese Names of the Days of the Planetary Week, as given by Le Gentil
* Siamese Names of the Planetary Week, according to La Loubere
* Memorial Lines for the Days of the Week, in analogy with those of Creation
* Memorial Lines, according to the Order of the Signs
* Memorial Lines, according to the Course of Prophecy
* Memorial Lines for the Constellations
* Decans
* Memorial Lines for the Names of Stars
* Note on the Names of the Stars
* On the Mansions of the Moon, or Lunar Zodiac
* Memorial Lines for the Mansions of the Moon
* The Mythology of India, in connexion with Ancient Astronomy
* The Mythology of the Scandinavian Nations, as connected with the Ancient Astronomy
* Note on Hela
* Note on Noetic
* Memorial Lines for the Names of the Mythology of India
* Memorial Lines for the Names of the Mythology of Scandinavia, with Notes
* Memorial Lines for the Names of the Planets
* Notes, &c., on the Names of the Planets


Rivingtons, Waterloo Place.


* Preface to Part IV
* On the Emblems of Egyptian Mythology
* Testimonies to the Great Antiquity Here Claimed for the Emblems of the Constellations, Egyptian and Chaldean
* On the Astronomy of the Ancients
* Note on the Astronomy of the Ancients
* Astrology of the Ancients
* Note on the Decans


by the late
F. Rolleston,

"And the Lord shall be known to Egypt."—Isaiah 19:21


* The Ancient Egyptian Zodiac and Planisphere of Dendera
* The Ancient Coptic Names of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, According to Ulugh Beigh
* Notes on Libra
* Aries
* Taurus
* Gemini
* Cancer
* Leo
* Virgo
* Libra
* Scorpio
* Sagittarius
* Capricornus
* Aquarius
* Pisces
* On the Names of the Twelve Signs
* Note on the Scarabaeus
* Note on Manetho
* Zodiac of Esne


* The Planets
* On the Planet Venus
* The Pole

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