Friday, August 20, 2010

The Book of Enoch tr. by R.H. Charles [1917]

The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils, Enoch introduced concepts such as fallen angels, the appearance of a Messiah, Resurrection, a Final Judgement, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Interspersed with this material are quasi-scientific digressions on calendrical systems, geography, cosmology, astronomy, and meteorology.

This etext has been prepared specially for sacred-texts, and is a great improvement over other versions on the Internet, with the introduction, correct verse numbering, page numbers from the 1917 edition, and intact critical apparatus.


Book of Jasher



"Is not this written in the Book of Jasher?"--Joshua, x. 13.
"Behold it is written in the Book of Jasher."--II Samuel, i. 18

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Project Mannequin, Part 5 Born into the Project

By James Casbolt
E-Y Posted September 8, 2008
Chapter 5
1981 - 5 years old. Taken from Chalgrove primary school in Finchley, London by two men and driven to Greenham Common military base. Transported to BRAVO location at Greenham Common and taken underground to the AL/499 facility with fifteen other children for testing of PSI abilities. This session included a ritual in which one of the children (a small girl) was thrown into a cage with an attack dog and murdered in front of the rest of us. This entire event filmed. Video probably passed around intelligence community as a “snuff” film. The fifteen children left were divided up into three groups of five for future training. Age of children seem to range from approximately 5-10 years old.

Session culminated in 1st OSIRIS genetic engineering procedure.

Just after this, my mother enrolled me in martial arts training in Finchley with a sadistic instructor.

Details of the programming session as follows: (Warning: disturbing reading)

I was living with my mother in Finchley, North London at the time, and my father had just come out of prison in Spain for drug trafficking and was living in Reading at the time. I remember one early afternoon at this time being driven to the Greenham Common military base in Berkshire by two men in a white car. Many of the details of that time have come out under regression therapy, but I have always remembered pulling up to the front gates of the place. The next chain of events is as follows: The man in the front passenger seat turned around to me in the back and said, “They keep nuclear weapons here.” I later discovered this was actually a front to keep the base secret so children could be trafficked in and out of the facility. Nuclear weapons may have been kept here, as well, but the primary reason of the Greenham Common base was to channel children underground to various facilities around the country. We drove though the base into an underground tunnel. There was a two-lane road in this large tunnel, and we drove down it until we came to a flat underground car park with an army truck parked on the left-hand side. There were two booths here, with security guards sitting in each one. The tunnel went further on past the two booths. On my right-hand side, I could see a group of approximately fifteen children standing by a door. All the children had blankets wrapped around their shoulders, and there were men in military uniforms and suits standing to the left of the children. They were not saying anything and just appeared to be standing there waiting.
I was taken out of the car, handed a blanket (the tunnel was cold) and huddled together with the other children by the man in the passenger seat who was dressed in civilian clothing. The group consisted of mostly boys; some girls were in the group, as well. Most of us appeared to be roughly the same age, but some looked slightly older and taller. We were then ushered through the door on our right by one of the men in suits and walked down a couple of hallways to a room, which was a classroom type setting. The room contained chairs with desks in front, and we were all told to find a desk and sit down.

The man stood at the front of the room, and we all waited for what seemed like a couple of minutes before a woman came into the room. She was pushing a trolley and wheeled it around next to our desks. She then handed each of us a type of puzzle, which we had to put geometrical shapes together. The woman was middle-aged with dark hair, pretty, and wearing an office-type dark skirt and white shirt. When we all had our puzzles, she stood at the front of the room and told us we had three minutes to put them together. She said “go,” and started a stopwatch. I cannot remember how well I did, but she instructed us to stop when the time was up and then came around with a clipboard marking our results down.
After this, things turned very nasty. A group of men rushed in suddenly through the door on the right, which the woman used to enter. They dragged us out of our seats roughly. We were terrified, screaming, and struggling. Then we were carried roughly and some of us dragged out of this door and into the outside hallway. The woman was shouting something in a loud aggressive manner, which seemed to be directed at us. Still screaming and terrified, we were then strapped onto gurneys and wheeled down a couple of corridors into a medical-type setting and injected with drugs by doctors in lab coats.

We were then wheeled down more corridors into a large, darker room with many large cages that housed large dogs and what appeared to be large wolves. I also remember hearing the sound of large cats (tigers or lions) and other animals deeper into the room, but I could not see that far into the darkness. The men who had dragged us out of the classroom were standing there with the woman, and she ordered them to unstrap us from the gurneys.
This they did, and we all stood together huddled for protection. By this time, the drugs had kicked in, and we were in a state of chemical-induced calmness and compliance. The woman told us we were going to play a game to “choose one.” I also remember her saying something about the “first chosen one,” which now smacks to me of Masonic terminology. Add to the fact of Female Goddess energy being worshipped in Masonry, and many of the rites being controlled by a female “Mother Goddess” figure, I believe what happened next was a Masonic/Satanic ritual. The woman seemed to occupy the Mother Goddess role, as she then proceeded to hang a bunch of coloured ribbons onto the wall on her left side and told us to pick one ribbon each. This we did and then stood back together again. She asked, “Who has dark purple?” and everyone looked down. The room was lit up with a kind of fluorescent or infra-red light, and our ribbons glowed with a psychedelic aura.
A small girl to the left of our group said, “I have,” and the woman nodded to one of the men who then grabbed the little girl and roughly carried her towards a cage on our left. She was struggling and crying, and as we all whimpered in terror, he opened the door and threw her in with a large snarling dog that had been barking and going crazy since the man picked the little girl up.
It appeared to be an Alsatian type dog or wolf but was much bigger. This animal picked the little girl up in its jaws like rag doll and started to shake her. It is difficult for me to remember much after this, and I’m not sure I want to. I even feel guilty about witnessing this event and even writing about it. Another survivor of similar projects told me this is very common and is called “survivor’s guilt.”
1984 - 8 years old. Taken by father from Brighton, when visiting him on holiday, to the Burnham Beeches OMEGA location in a private section of woodlands on government land. Subjected to snake shamanism rituals here. Again, most, if not all, procedures in Project Mannequin are filmed in the name of science. Father also programmed at the OMEGA location as a child and adult. He was regularly taken here as a child by his father.

Details of programming session are as follows:

We were staying in an expensive hotel, and my father went out to make a phone call. He returned to the room and told me we were going for a drive. I questioned him about the trip, and he said, “I can’t tell you.” We drove to Burnham Beeches not saying a word most the trip. It was just getting dark as we arrived. We parked and were met by another man who talked to my father; I was led away by this man. We went into the woods, and I saw people gathered there with robes and hoods. Some of them were holding some kind of lit staffs, which illuminated the darkness. They formed a circle around me and started to chant in a strange language, which looking back on it now, sounded Hebrew or Aramaic. Like in 1981, English terms, such as “chosen one,” were also included in the chanting.
A woman in a robe approached me (this may be the same woman from 1981) holding a small, multi-coloured snake. She pulled the sleeve up on my arm and pushed the top of the snake’s head to agitate it. It hissed, and she directed it head to my arm, which it then bit. The poison seemed to kick in quite quickly, and I went into an altered state and got very ill. After a certain amount time, I recovered, and some of the people who were wearing robes were now naked. The woman brought another snake to me (this one a slightly different colour but still small), and I was bitten again. I got very ill again and this time I almost died. I was injected with a drug to revive me, and I recovered. I was then taken off to the left where a hole had been dug with a coffin next to it. The coffin was opened, and I saw it full of large snakes. I was in a very weak state and was lifted up and put in the coffin. I was then buried alive. It seemed as if I was buried for hours. There was no escape for me in the coffin, so I dissociated and went somewhere else in my mind.
Note: The larger snakes in the coffin seemed to be non-poisonous.
1986 - 10 years old. My mother and I moved to Reading with my step-father. I was taken by two men while playing in the local woods at the end of Recreation Road, where we lived, and transported to the AL/499. As an adult, the little girl who lived opposite me got in contact with me out of the blue. She told me she had large memory gaps and remembered seeing TR-3/Firefly-type special forces aircraft landing in the local woods when we were children.
I was later contacted by NSA operative “Sylus” and supplied my Project Mannequin file regarding this training session. Other contacts whom I trust in the intelligence community confirm this file as authentic:


Subj: X4566-2 (casj)

Assessment for Covert Tasking:

(1) Unstable implant (series TETRA) has made X4566-2 unsuitable for liquidation CovOps.

(2) Recommend X4566-2 be retained for obs. and released into general pop. for FALLOW-RIGHT double-blind testing.

Oct 4, 1988

Details of programming session as follows:

A training area was set up in one of the large rooms in the AL/499, and a small audience came in and took their seats. A very famous politician, who I will not name at this time, was in attendance. I was to participate in a bare-knuckled fight with another of the older boys from the second unit.
Commander Clavius was my handler at this time. He was a dark-haired man with a thin to medium build and approximately 5’11” tall. Sometimes he wore suit pants, a white shirt and tie, and other times he wore a dark special forces “all in one” type jumpsuit that I have seen many people wear over the years. He had an American accent and bad breath.
When the fight began, I hit the other boy with a right cross and knocked him onto the floor, then stomped on his head. At this point, the fight was stopped, and I was greatly praised by Commander Clavius. After this, a kitten was brought in as my reward, and then events turned savage again. The handlers always went from being extremely kind to sadistic in order to confuse you. I was handed a knife and told to stab the kitten to death. I refused, and the commander screamed in my face and started slapping me. I still refused, and the beating became harder. I started to dissociate and went into a kind of stupor. Another man, with an American accent, in the audience yelled “Kill it yourself,” to the commander, to which he replied, “Yes sir.” He then killed the kitten himself. I dissociated deeper, and my trance became deeper.
Because I failed this test, I was deemed unsuitable for physical assassinations and my training started to go down the remote viewing and mastery of subtle energy route. However, the physical martial arts training continued, and by sixteen years old, they decided to try me on my first hit in Brighton (but we’re getting ahead of the timeline).
Session culminates in 2nd OSIRIS genetic engineering procedure.
1989 - 13 years old. I started secondary school. My mother insisted I attend Denefield School in Reading, which was much farther away from my home than from the other schools I could have attended. I later discovered that Denefield was connected to Project Mannequin in more ways than one. Here I was the target of nearly every bully in the school. These boys were older, bigger, and stronger than me. I believed I was helpless against them.
One afternoon, I was attacked on the field by two older boys who then proceeded to break my arm and some of the bones in my face. I was lying on the ground with my arm broken, and they stomped on my face. My mother was called, and she took me to hospital. I remember feeling no pain on the way to hospital. My arm was mangled, and metal plates were put in. I spent weeks in hospital recovering.
When I came out of hospital, I discovered child pornography tapes in my step-father’s bedroom and watched them. These included children being raped in Masonic lodges by men dressed up in Egyptian-type robes. It also included homosexual orgies in these lodges, where the men were positioned in triangle patterns on the floor. My step-father was abusing me! The beatings by the older boys continued at school and in my local area after school. I believed there was no escape for me and dissociated further in my mind.
1989 - 13 years old. I attended a local fair in Reading town centre with a group of friends. I smoked my first joint before we entered. I saw the older boys who had been bullying me, and they saw me. They followed me to the far end of the fair, and two of them dragged me around the back of the toilets, pulled my coat over my head, and gave me a beating. When this was finished, my coat was stuck over my face tightly and was suffocating me. I couldn’t pull it off. A boy watching came out of the crowd and ripped it off me. I stood up and saw one of the boys who had just beaten me up, standing with his group of friends. He was around 17-years-old, and I was terrified of him. I suddenly felt an energy of courage and strength enter me. I ran over to him and knocked him out with one punch. All his friends were shocked and stepped back.
This gave myself, and the friend I was with, time to get out of the fair. We walked across the bridge and looked back to see the gang of approximately fifteen youngsters running after us and over fifty youngsters running after them to watch the action. My friend yelled “run,” and we sprinted off. If we could make it past the bridge and into the pub at the end of the street, we would be safe. Just as I thought this, a black boy raced ahead of the crowd and started to catch up with us. His speed was incredible. I believed if I got caught, I would die.
He grabbed hold of me and held me until the others caught up with us. We were caught under the dark bridge just before the pub. They left my friend alone, but I was sat upon by the smaller group, while the large crowd gathered around to watch. A long, drawn-out beating commenced, while my friend screamed for them to stop. At one point, I felt if I were hit in the face again, I would die. At this point, my consciousness left my body. I then saw the scene from above looking down on my own body, but my body was still fighting. A large Jamaican lad came toward me to finish me off, and I hit him with a right cross that knocked him on his back. I then covered up, as ferocious blows started to reign in again from the others. I laid on the floor semi-conscious, and my shoes and jacket were taken. A couple of spectators from the larger crowd now ran in and kicked me in the head. Eventually, everyone headed off, and my friend bravely followed to try and get my shoes and jacket back. The lad, whom I knocked out at the fair, came back to attack me again while I was lying on the floor. My friend ran back and screamed, “He’s had enough!” He looked at me on the floor, and the walked off.
As I lay on the road, cars were driving around me, and no one stopped to help me. My friend came over and took me to the pub. We rang my mother to come and take me to the hospital. When my mother and step-father picked me up and take me to the hospital, I could remember ringing my mother, and just after this, I forgot my own name. My face and head were horribly swollen, and the doctor said I was lucky to be alive and whoever did this, were “animals.” I stayed in the hospital for a few days of observation. My family unit was fully DID by this time, and compartmentalizing trauma came very easily now. I never saw my friend again after this.
1990 - 14 years old. My mother decided “enough is enough” and moved me down to St. Ives, Cornwall with my father, who had just been released from prison for drug trafficking. I went through my 3rd OSIRIS genetic engineering procedure just after this on my 15th birthday, and the handlers of Mannequin now stepped up training and ops to the next level. I later discovered that my NSA handlers needed to have me in a less built-up rural area, as the number of my vehicle pick-ups had increased.
Within one week, I was set about by the local gang on the sea front even though I had done nothing. I now carried weapons most of the time, as I had sworn to not be hurt anymore, so I proceeded to batter them with nun-chucks. No one messed with me after that. I got home and broke down in tears. “Why does everyone hate me?”
I met a local boy who was also programmed, I found out later, and we ordered replica guns from a magazine. We then decided to rob the local Spar supermarket with masks on. On the way to the shop, my friend got scared and changed his mind. I said to him, “There’s nothing to it, but to do it,” and ran into the shop, and he ran in behind me.
I stuck my replica Berretta in the face of the girl behind the till and demanded the money. My friend made a few of the people, who were standing around, go to the back of the shop as he held them at gunpoint. The girl went pale and became unresponsive as I demanded the money. I jumped over the counter and tried to open the till myself. I don’t know what button to press, so I began to push them randomly. An alarm went off on the till, and people in the back of the shop began to shout. I panicked and actually shouted my friend’s real name, “xxxx, lets go!” We ran out of the shop and ran home. We told my father what we’d done, and he seemed proud of me for it. Approximately half and hour later, there was an armed response on the street outside the flat. My father hid the replica guns at the back of the flat for us. We waited for the door to be kicked in, and it never came. The unit was there for the young lad who lived next door, as he had been in trouble with air guns in the past and was a prime suspect for the armed robbery in our small community. The next day, the robbery was on the local news, and my father seemed even more proud of me.
The police ended up catching up with us a couple of weeks later, as I basically told my girlfriend what I had done trying to impress her. She ended up telling her father, who was a policeman. My friend and I ended up in Truro Crown Court. My solicitor told my mother that I could face years in prison. We ended up being sentenced to 28 days!
I had never seen pain on my mother’s face like just before and when we were sentenced. She twisted her face up into inhuman shapes and expressions when I looked at her from the dock. I had seen her do this before, when she was angry, but never like this. The other boy’s mother did not do this.
I was transferred to Feltham Young Offenders Institute, and there were boys there who were serving years for armed robbery with a knife. I was accused of being a police informant by the other boys for having such a low sentence. Bullying was rife here, but strangely enough, I was left alone as I stood up to the top dog on the first day. He beat another boy with a sock containing toiletries the moment I got on the wing and then threw the weapon on my bed in my cell. I took the weapon and walked straight up to him, looked him in the eye, grabbed his hand, and placed it in his hand. I said to him, “I don’t want to be involved in this.”
Three boys in my wing attempted suicide during the short time I was there. There were rumours of sexual abuse taking place in one of the shared cells, and this cell was shut down. At night, I heard guards coming up the metal stairs, doors being opened, and boys taken somewhere and returned later. When I came out of prison, no one wanted to mess with me. I had now acquired degenerate thinking. I thought guns, weapons, and violence were the way to happiness, as people would fear me and not hurt me anymore.
1992 - 16 years old. I had not long been out of prison, as the criminal case took about a year to go to court. I was on license and signed a document saying I was prohibited by law to have anything to do with all firearms for a certain amount of time. I was back in St. Ives, and my mother went away for a few days; she left my aunty in charge of me. I received a phone call and told her I was going to Brighton, and there was nothing she could do about it. I got my first tattoo, which resembles an evil alien face, on my right shoulder and jumped on the train to Brighton.
When I got off, “John,” one of the male members of my unit, was waiting for me. I can’t recall exactly what was said, but he handed me a bag with a loaded 9mm Smith and Wesson in it. The gist of the conversation was basically this: “You know your target, here’s the gun, go and get him.” I walked down to the sea front and waited outside a bar. There was man sitting outside on a table drinking a pint of beer. He had short, sandy-coloured hair, a short muscular build, and was wearing a short sleeved shirt.
I was fixated upon him. I took the gun out of the bag, slipped off the safety, and walked up to him. I then emptied most of the clip into his head and chest and saved a couple of bullets in case anyone tried to stop me as I ran off. When I started to shoot, everything went quiet in my mind. I was later told by a man involved in the intelligence community that the hit was carried out for the famous politician I saw in the AL/499 when I was ten years old.
I ran off after I killed the man, and the next thing I remember was sitting on a beach over half a mile away. I was coming down from a huge rush of adrenaline, and I felt very pleased with myself, as if my superiors were going to be very happy. Maybe they wouldn’t hurt me anymore, I thought. I took off my clothes and went for a swim in my boxer shorts. After this, I walked further along the sea front, and “Jenny,” the one female member of my unit, met me, took the bag off me, and proceeded to give me various post hypnotic commands. I forgot what I had just done and returned home on the train. After this, I attended a party at my auntie’s house in Brighton, and a girl told me about a shooting on the sea front. When she told me this, I didn’t even remember doing it.
This timeline will be continued in the next chapter, as it is emotionally exhausting writing this.
-End of Chapter 5-

Chapters Index
Chapter 1, Project Mannequin
Chapter 2 , The Return of The Watchers
Chapter 3, The Modern History of Behaviour Modification
Chapter 4, The River of Love
Chapter 5, Born into the Project
Chapter 6, The Sublime View

Project Mannequin, Part 4 The River of Love

By James Casbolt
E-Y Posted September 8, 2008
Chapter 4
Project Nanmu and Hale Bopp
At the time of the 1934 Grey and US Government/UNIT treaty in Panama, UNIT was involved in the secret infiltration of reptilian ETs into the western US joint underground bases. Many of these bases were hidden underneath Indian reservations, and the primary bases were in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. From this point on, the reptilian beings came to this planet in force every thirteen years: 1934, 1947, 1960, 1973, 1986, 1999, 2012 (many of my contacts claim this may be the date of the final Draco reptilian invasion, but I cannot be certain about this). In 1986, the white-coloured Draco Prime arrived into our solar system in the Draconian “Planetoid,” which we know on Earth as the Hale-Bopp comet. The Draco Prime, travelling from the planet Typhon in the Draconis star system, was checking on how the take-over of Earth, which they call Sol-3, was coming along.
Hale-Bopp kept making course alterations because it was under intelligent control and was photographed with an object behind it, which was a Draco Prime mother ship. Hale-Bopp incited a great degree of panic in the human population because we are telepathic beings who can “feel” danger. This was notable in the mass suicide of the followers of the Heavens Gate cult that was reported in the mainstream media. They said Hale Bopp was being followed by an alien spacecraft. I was told by an NSA contact, whom I’ll refer to as X3, that the Heavens Gate cult was under US intelligence trauma-based mind control and that Admiral Bobby Ray Inman ordered the triggering of Omega alters in the cult members. A lot of people in the intelligence community are not going to be happy about me naming old Bobby Ray, but the truth is all coming out now.
Omega is a self-destruct, suicide alter that can be triggered in a mind control victim. The reasons for doing this seem to be to discredit all the talk about an alien spacecraft behind Hale Bopp and to make it seem like religious hysteria. X3 told me there were mind control programmers in the Heavens Gate cult who were ex-NSA and some of the best programmers in the business. They must have been very advanced programmers because some of the cultists who committed suicide at their mansion in San Diego in 1997 had been “persuaded” to go through castration beforehand.

They were also heavily into Yoga, Chi Gung mediation, and had an outstanding diet. X3 says because of this, they had made telepathic contact with the Draco mother ship behind the Hale Bopp comet. He also said that admiral Bobby Ray Inman had ordered a Hotshot (intel speak for a scalar weapon attack to activate sleeping mind control programs in people), and a white van pulled up outside the mansion with NSA agents inside who were armed with frequency generators to remotely trigger the Heavens Gate sleepers.
The following information comes from a US intelligence community contact, X13, who is the friend of Dan Akroyd. He says the Heavens Gate people were connected to DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) and a government group that currently controls the internet, called SAIC.
Several of the cult members were involved in advanced computer projects, and others created websites. Beverly Hills computer businessman (and former car thief) Nick Matzorkis employed about a dozen cult members to design World Wide Web sites. Nick Matzorkis was one of the men who found the bodies at the mansion. He went on to help raise $54 million in an internet venture called US Then he founded a company in China with his partner, none other than Nicholas Rockefeller. Their company was called Global Agora and is one of the first US companies to have been launched in China.
The Heavens Gate group started an underground housing complex. They built part of it and were then “disrupted” so they would be forced to relocate to a place where they could be monitored more effectively. X13 also claims that Bobby Inman’s hit men suicided the cult members to discredit the reports of an ET ship behind Hale Bopp and also because the Heavens Gate people had encryption programs that would make it impossible for the intelligence community to spy on internet users.
Bobby Ray Inman was ex-director of the CIA, former head of the NSA, a retired four-star admiral in the Navy, and one-time Clinton nominee for Secretary of Defence. A website with information about Bobby Inman’s connection to the cult member deaths recently disappeared off the internet.
Sam Koutchesfahani, an Iranian immigrant, was the man who is reported to have rented the multi-million dollar mansion in San Diego to the Heavens Gate group. The cultists put together a movie script about the return of the Draco reptilians to Earth. The NSA did not want this movie made, and this fact contributed to Bobby Inman’s decision. The Rockefeller family is connected to this tragedy and is interested in reptilian stories for means of control. Years before, the Rockefeller family was involved in the October 30th, 1938 Mercury Radio Network’s War of the Worlds broadcast. Orson Well’s broadcast was no mere show business stunt but an experiment in fear. The broadcast was a psychological warfare test to test the public’s reactions to ET news. The reaction from the broadcast was mass panic and one man committed suicide.
A grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to Princeton University helped create the Princeton office of radio research. The director was Paul Lazerfield, an Austrian Jewish émigré and social psychologist. He teamed with two associates: psychologist Hadley Cantrell and CBS researcher Fred Stanton, who was a PhD in psychology and who eventually became the network president.
One of the men who found the bodies of the 39 cultists arrayed in neat rows on a balmy afternoon, Nick Matzorkis, became instantly famous. Soon, he sold the rights to the story of the Heavens Gate group to the Hollywood entertainment company, for which he and some and some of the dead cultists worked. A probation officer saw him on national TV after this and recognised him as a wanted felon who out skipped out on his sentence - he was jailed and returned to Cleveland. Nick Matzorkis sold production of story of the cultist deaths to Adnan Kashoggi’s Genesis subsidiaries.
Professor Courtney Brown, a tenured political science professor at Emory University in Atlanta, author of Cosmic Voyage, and president and owner of Farsight Institute, a company specialising in scientific remote viewing, appeared on Art Bell’s radio show. Brown said their remote viewers had found the mysterious companion to Hale Bopp to be larger than Earth, hollow, and under intelligent control - a kind of planetary spaceship hitching a ride on a comet or hiding behind it. Brown stated there was ET life on Mars and that the civilisation there was dying, so the ETs started an underground colony in New Mexico. Brown appeared again on Art Bell’s program along with his assistant, Prudence Calabrese. Brown told listeners that a well-known astrophysicist at a top-ten university sent Brown information confirming Farsight’s remote viewing results.
Calabrese today heads a commercial venture called Transdimensional Systems in San Diego. She claims to have been part of the CIA’s effort to learn more about the Soviets through remote viewing and ESP in a CIA Project Channanle through Stanford Research Institute in California. Calabrese and her 14 employees are currently working with San Diego FBI, assisting in remote viewing of dangerous criminals.
On 26th March 2007, after X13 finished briefing me on the Heavens Gate information, he said he sat down and turned on the TV. When he switched the TV on, the words “Heavens Gate” came on the screen. X13 turned the sound up, and it was a CNN program called Anderson Cooper 360. Cooper said, "The largest mass suicide, 39 members of the Heavens Gate cult, occurred 10 years ago today."
How is that for coincidence? In reality, there is no such thing as higher consciousness giving us signs when we have found the truth. Anderson Cooper went on to interview “Rio” Diangelo (real name Richard Ford). He was known inside the Heavens Gate cult as “Neody.” Rio found the bodies and videotaped them before calling 911 to report the deaths. He was a member of the cult from 1994 to 1997. He left the group four weeks before the 39 members committed suicide with a cocktail of drugs, after coming to believe that a spaceship would be taking them to heaven. Diangelo discovered the bodies on March 26th after he received two videotapes that described the cult members’ intentions. He wrote a book about his experience called Beyond Human Mind - The Soul Evolution of Heavens Gate.
In a Newsweek interview, Diangelo also said Heavens Gate cult leader Marshall Herff Applewhite was frightened by the 1993 police siege of the branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas and thought the FBI was stalking his group. Diangelo said the cultists thought there was no gender at the next level, so they adopted an androgynous look and shunned sex. Once Applewhite got castrated, five other cultists did the same. The 39 members were found dead at their rented mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego, California. The victims ranged in age from 26 to 72. Among the victims was Thomas Nichols, brother of Nichelle Nichols, who starred in the original Star Trek TV show.
The suicide victims ingested lethal levels of Phenobarbital. On Tuesday, 25th March, Diangelo received a videotape from the 39 members, which included 18 women and 21 men, saying farewell and announcing their intent "to shed their physical containers" and be lifted up to an ET ship reported to be following the Hale Bopp comet. Many professionals observed and photographed an object 2000 kilometres behind the comet until January 10th. The object, Draco ship, behind the comet became known as the “Saturn-Like Object” or SLO.
The following morning on Wednesday, March 26th, Diangelo told Nick Matzorkis about the tape and expressed fears that the group may have committed suicide. The two men drove to San Diego and arrived at about 11am. Diangelo then entered the home, and after viewing the dead, did not phone the San Diego county sheriff's dept. Only when he left the mansion did he call the police at 1:34pm. Diangelo returned to L.A. with Matzorkis, and they closely listened to the news radio but did not hear anything about what he reported to the police. Diangelo then called the Beverly Hills police department at 3pm, and they referred him to the San Diego sheriff’s office. They said they knew nothing.
Arriving at the scene at 3.30pm were deputy sheriff Robert Brunk and deputy sheriff Laura Gacek. From the moment the officers pulled up, Brunk said he knew something was wrong. The drapes were pulled, the windows were pulled, and the outdoor lights were burning in the sunshine. Brunk found the front door locked, the windows closed, and a side door unlocked.
The Heavens Gate leader Marshall Herff Applewhite had links to 19th century occultists Madame Blavatsky and novelist Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain. The Heavens Gate mansion at 18241 Colina Norte is just down the street from the San Diego River. This was a favourite spot of Mrs. Katherine A. Tingley, a disciple of Madame Blavatsky. Mrs. Tingley moved to San Diego in 1896 and founded an ashram of the Theosophical Society at Point Loma. The centre opened February 25th, 1897 with a ceremony attended by several prominent people in San Diego, including the mayor. Like the Heavens Gate group, the Theosophical Society was in telepathic contact with extra-terrestrial beings, and like Aplewhite, Mrs. Tingley believed a major cataclysm would sink most of California and end western civilisation.
She predicted San Diego would survive to become the capital of an island nation called Nuevo California. In 1907, Samuel Langhorne Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain) wrote a short story called Extract from Captain Stormfield's Trip to Heaven, in which the hero leaves Earth for “an extended excursion among the heavenly bodies” on the tail of a comet. In the story, the hero has his passport on him, plus five dollars and three 25 cent pieces for the fare. Many of the Heavens Gate victims had their passports on their persons and $5.75 in their hands. Also, the New Age term, Evolutionary Level Above Human (ELAH) spells HALE backwards.
The Heavens Gate group made a film script and gave it to Alex Papas, head of Way Out Pictures. They wrote the script while renting Papa's house on Mummy Mountain in Paradise Valley in Phoenix. When the cult members learned he was a producer, they turned the script over to him, along with $3,400 in rent. When Alex Papas was asked by a journalist if all of this was slightly apocalyptic, he replied, "Are you kidding? It's the flavour of the day…It's a very Shakespearean type of story." Papas said, "Good vs. evil, a big battle." Without giving away the ending, he promised the script would be perfect for Hollywood. "Good wins in the end," he said.
Titled Beyond Human: Return of the Next Level, Papas said, "The screenplay came in a bit wordy, what with all the talk of aliens tromping around Earth trying to find humans suitable to zap up to the Orion nebula. It was also crowded with characters. The original draft featured more than 100 speaking parts. But the authors were willing to modify their script and bring it down to a more manageable level. But it is something very, very valid. The allure, of course, is that while most viewers would regard the film as snazzy science fiction, the author's swore it was the strait up truth.” “They died believing they were the chosen few hitching that spaceship ride to the next level of human evolution," said Danielle Forlano.
While the Heaven's Gate members apparently poured most of their creative energy into the screenplay they gave Papas, they also drafted the outline for another movie. This one’s a sweeping history of Earth's encounters with alien beings as observed by wise and mysterious orbs. "It's very bizarre," said Forlano, who read the script for the second movie. "They'll talk about the reptilians and Greys and orbs all arguing about ownership rights to Pluto." The first Heaven's Gate media spinoff may be a half serious, half snide documentary based on video footage of the cult members discussing their philosophy at Boise state University in Idaho. Freelance producer Sergio Myers plans to market the 90-minute tape through his company Rising Sun. He founded a UFO group called “Believers of the Unknown.” Asked if he was worried about recruiting people to Heaven's Gate through the tape, he responded, "I do, I do. But it's business.”
Many of my peers in global intelligence who know what is going on regarding the ET situation have told me I am being irresponsible by making all of this information public. They claim the public cannot handle the truth. I do not believe this and want to stop treating the public like children. I wish to inform and educate them so they can make informed choices for themselves as the great Earth changes and upheavals are starting to occur.
The malevolent Dracos are not pleasant. There may be compassionate beings among them, but there is a large section of them that are thoroughly evil and dangerous. This worrying news is balanced out by the fact that there are also many benevolent ETs from various star systems who are here to help us and have been involved in an ancient war with the Dracos. The Dracos are real beings; however, the intelligence community is involved in a psychological operation to make the people of the world fear all reptilian ETs.
Tailess lower caste Dracos Reptilian without wingsThe Dracos are omnivores and move across planets like locust for the natural resources, including food, which in this case is us. There will be huge supporting evidence in this book showing they are using us for food. Dracos have two hearts, are between 7 to 12 feet tall, and have the strength of 8 to 16 men. They are hard to kill, have psychic and technological skills in battle that are thousands of years ahead of ours, they’re cold-blooded, and have no remorse or compassion. There are different coloured Draco, but the Draco Prime are white in colour and seem to be the royalty or elite of the group. They are seen far less by humans in underground facilities and abductions. The various coloured Draco have wings, while the reptilians lower on the hierarchy, seen more often by humans, do not. The wings are made of long, tiny bone spines or ribs that protrude out of their backs. The ribs are adjoined by flaps of leathery, blackish-brown skin, and the wings are usually in a retracted position. Beings matching the description of the Draco have been seen flying using their wings. This was reported in the multiple sightings of Draco-like creatures in the town of Point Pleasant, on which the film The Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere, was based. In several contacts, people have seen reptilian beings wearing capes draped over their shoulders and down their backs. The capes may be a piece of clothing specifically designed for covering the Dracos’ wings, or their retracted, dark leathery flaps might appear to be a fabric-like material going across and down the shoulders and back.
Dracos elite with horns and wingsWhat strikes the eyewitnesses the most about the physical appearance of a Draco being is the horns. The horns are usually short. They are conical in shape and extend four to five inches away from the skull. Some reports describe low bony ridges back along there conical shaped heads. These ridges appear midway between the brow and the top of their heads. They appear to have a much more athletic build than the other reptilian beings. Their upper torsos are extremely lean, and their neck muscles splay out from the base of their jaws to their shoulder blades. If the Dracos are able to fly to using their wings, as some people have reported, the physical demands of flight would result in some muscle groups being more developed than others.
Certain individuals claiming to have had Draco encounters say they have seen ones with white powdery scales approach and give instruction to the winged Dracos, who are a greenish-brown in colour. The white Dracos are the Draco Prime. In every one of these cases, the greenish-brown beings appeared to be highly respectful and submissive to the Draco with white scales. This reaction suggests the Draco hierarchy is a caste system dependent on skin colour and possibly other unknown genetic traits. The Greys have also demonstrated similar respect for the Draco Prime in contact reports.
This situation is so bizarre and gets even more so as we go deeper into highly classified areas. I have been told by my NSA contact, X3, there are at least 118 different extra-terrestrial races, that the NSA knows about, involved in the affairs of this planet. The NSA refers to this ET grouping under such titles as The Link and others. There are the benevolent ETs visiting this planet from star sectors such as the Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, Tau Ceti, Sirius A, and Ummo, which have been referred to by contactees and secret service personnel as The Galactic Confederation of Worlds. Here we are going into complicated Star Wars-type Exo-politics. However, there are benevolent factions of Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians and evil factions of Pleiadians, for example. This is obvious, as in any race there are good and evil elements. I wanted to just make this distinction clear because in the so-called New Age movement, there is almost a religious type of obsession with New Age advocates claiming all reptilians are negative and all Pleiadians are here to save us from them. There have also been Human/ET treaties with these compassionate races, and their motivations and actions in these areas seem to prove their intentions.
In 1934, a group of Pleiadians (Tall Humanoid beings with blond hair and blue eyes) approached the US government, under the Roosevelt administration, in an effort to work out an eventual military disarmament arrangement [Al Bielek referred to this group as the "Kondrakins" [my spelling[ ...Ken] . The US government refused, so the Pleiadians approached Hitler and the Nazis instead. I believe by this time, the Draco reptilians had taken control of much of the upper levels of the US federal government, and the human puppets would not give up their military weapons. Part of the covert reptilian agenda is to massively reduce the world’s population by wars to reduce resistance, if and when the time comes, to the final Draco invasion.

The Pleiadians worked out a treaty with Hitler and the Nazis that in exchange for technology the Nazis would not attack the Jewish people.
The Pleiadians tried to stop all of this, and their treaty with the Nazis held together until around 1941. I cannot get a very clear picture of what happened after this, as the information is so tightly compartmentalised. It is also hard to see through the massive amounts of propaganda that came out after the Second World War. There was a plan to repopulate the Jewish community from Germany to Madagascar, but this didn't happen because the Madagascans wanted no part of it.

The Nazis developed their advanced saucer-shaped aircraft from the Pleiadian technology after the Pleiadians purposely crashed some of theirs in Germany to honour their part in the treaty. The Nazi craft were known as Hauneba and Vril. The Nazis were not able to copy the Pleiadian anti-gravity drive but found ways around this. By 1941, the Pleiadians pulled out of the treaty and would no longer deal with Hitler and Nazis. It was at this time that the Greys approached them, and this is where the Nazi trauma-based mind control technology came from.
On February 20th, 1954, around the same time as the Grenada Treaty, a delegation from the Galactic Confederation of Worlds approached the upper levels of the US government. This was an effort to limit the death and destruction of the Grenada Treaty and weapons developed from it. This delegation met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful attempt to reach an agreement on the US government’s thermonuclear weapons program. Some say the stumbling block was that the Federation ETs were not willing to provide technology that might have been used by the military industrial factions of the Eisenhower administration. Others say many factions of the upper levels of US government were under heavy Draco mind control by this time, and there was no way they were going to give up their nuclear weapons. These protective and peace-loving Humanoid ETs also refused to be co-opted into the emerging Military, Industrial, Extra-terrestrial Complex in the US, Britain, Russia and elsewhere.
The Galactic Confederation has a policy of non-intervention in the history of a planet’s developing population; however, like any council, there will be different viewpoints. Now we get into the real secrets of the “Angels” and the ancient galactic battle known by the Pleiadians as the Luciferian Wars. The simple fact is that the beings known in religious texts as Lucifer, Michael, Azazel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel were/are physical extra-terrestrials.
Michael is originally based around Aldebaran in the Pleiades, Azazel from the Sirius, Raphael from Regulus, Gabriel from Fomalhaut, and Uriel from Antares. However, all these beings have ultimately deep connections with the Pleiades star system. Lucifer has a very complex story and cannot be covered here. At one time, before the rebellion of the being, they were all ultimately taking orders from Lucifer, and Azazel outranked Michael. Some say Azazel was the first to rebel when God told him he must serve humans, as they were created in his image. Apparently, he said, “Why should a Son of Fire (angel) bow down before a Son of Clay (human)?”
This was the probable cause of the Luciferian Wars of the Watchers. At the time of the fall, Lucifer ordered all his forces and star ships to converge in the Lyra star sector. Michael, being the loyal soldier he is, came with his Aldebaran military forces. He was not aware their leader had rebelled against the ultimate authority and was following orders. When he arrived in the Lyra sector, he realised what had happened, and this was the first stage of the war. Azazel and 200 Watchers opened a stargate from Lyra and were the first rebels to arrive on Earth on My Hermon. They were quickly pursued by Michael’s forces; however, Michael was warned by Uriel that he and his forces would be pulled into “incarnation” cycles, because of Earth’s gravity, if they prosecuted this military campaign against Azazel and his forces on Earth. If Michael was to go through with this, he would become transfixed and trapped in this solar system and the war would rage on for thousands of years.
He could not let this evil sweep unhindered across the planet and went ahead with his plan. We are now seeing the final stages of the Watcher wars played out in front of us.
In the best-selling science fiction book series called The Horus Heresy, the Watcher wars are detailed in incredible detail. The guys writing these books are either high level masons or part of the intelligence community. Michael was the genetic father of the Tribe of Dan, as he started that bloodline with a female watcher from the planet Hoova.
You can read hundreds of pages of proof of angels/watchers being physical ETs in Andrew Collins book From the Ashes of Angels. Andy and Barry King were good friends in the past, and before Andy became famous with his groundbreaking book, they performed a ritual in a certain woodland in the UK with another man. Their aim was to harness the power of the Watchers, and this they did very effectively to cause themselves to go down in the pages of history.
Just after this, Andy’s book became a bestseller, and Barry King ended up working at the AL/499 underground facility in Berkshire and met ETs face to face.
The handlers of Project Mannequin knew I was coming before I was born, as they viewed my life on the Zetan “Looking Glass” technology that is kept at Area 51 and other places. I am briefed on every current Looking Glass session by Lincoln, but it does not always get it right. The machine only views possible futures.
At about 10 A.D, the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good because Pleiadians finally achieved peace there. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. The next Pleiadian spiritual leader on Earth was called Jmmanuel. Michael still physically comes to this planet on occasions, as he is now free of his karmic bonds. However, his spirit lives in the bodies of his human descendants as walk-ins who carry on the Watcher war under his directives.
“The son becomes the father and the father the son. You shall watch my life through you’re eyes, as you’re life shall be watched through mine.”
Sound familiar?
An ancient text known as the Talmud of Jmmanuel was found in 1963 in a cave in Jerusalem. The ancient scrolls had been encased in tree resin and buried for almost two thousand years when they were discovered by Isa Rashid, who was a Lebanese priest of the Greek Orthodox Church, and by “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, the famous man from Switzerland who was visited by Pleiadians on his mountain. There has been a huge campaign to discredit Billy Meier, but I can tell you he is 100% the real deal.
The two men have since been persecuted by fundamental religious organisations and shadow governments. Isa, who had the original text, had to escape Jerusalem and go to Lebanon to avoid assassination and destruction of the scrolls. Most of the text was burned and lost in an Israeli air raid on a Lebanese refugee camp in 1974. Isa and his family escaped but were later murdered in Baghdad. One quarter of the original script had been translated from Aramaic into German by then and mailed to Billy Meier in Switzerland. Billy edited and published the German version of the Talmud Jmmanuel in 1975. Billy has survived more than a dozen assassination attempts on his life.
James Deardorff, Professor Emeritus at the Oregon State University, is a stout proponent for the authenticity of the text. He has spent the last sixteen years studying and comparing the scrolls with Biblical scriptures. The book can be ordered on the internet.
End of Chapter 4

Chapter 5, Born into the Project

Chapters Index
Chapter 1, Project Mannequin
Chapter 2 , The Return of The Watchers
Chapter 3, The Modern History of Behaviour Modification
Chapter 4, The River of Love
Chapter 5, Born into the Project

Project Mannequin, Part 3 The Modern History of Behaviour Modification

By James Casbolt
E-Y Posted September 8, 2008
Excerpted from Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (2008)
Chapter 3
By the 1970’s, a huge number of mind control projects in Britain and America were underway, as they became rampant and started to affect many areas of society. During the Second World War, the Nazis were involved in creating genetically enhanced soldiers and spies with PSIonic and psychic ability, such as telepathy and telekinesis. They were known as “Ubermen,” which is German for supermen. They were basing their “new man” on a race of warrior Plieadian humanoids they had come into contact with from Aldebaran.
The German scientists developed a technique at the concentration camps known as trauma-based mind control. They discovered that if you could systematically traumatise an individual, particularly before the age of five, their mind would shatter into different parts, which the German doctors called “alters.” When the torture or terror becomes so intolerable, a person’s mind will dissociate itself from the pain and the alter will be created. These alters can then be programmed by the torturer to carry out almost any task. From my understanding, the limit is reached when operatives are ordered to kill their own children.
Old occult books were researched, such as the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Necronomicon. The Nazi scientists also discovered that when an individual was traumatised and tortured, they developed almost superhuman abilities, such as huge pain tolerance, photographic memory, and PSI abilities. The ancient rites of Satanism were often used, and these rituals usually involved snakes. Through my own experiences and talking to other survivors, a common theme is coming up time and time again: being bitten by poisonous snakes in rituals to transmute the poison and enhance the immune system (American Indian shamans also practised this). Much of the project involved being taken to the point of death and then revived. Cathy O Brien, in her book Trance Formation of America, calls some of the CIA programming centres “near death training centres.” The snake rituals often finish with the participant being “buried alive with their fear.” This involves being put in a coffin with a number of large snakes and then being buried in the ground and left there for hours. When dug up, the subject has “gone beyond fear,” according to the handlers. I’m still trying to work out if this is true, as I have no fear of very dangerous things but have massive panic attacks at small insignificant things.
This is an ancient technique that was used in Egypt and many other places: a child would be picked as a candidate for a certain mystery school. Some of these mystery schools used more compassionate training methods, but all of them involved facing fears and danger at the upper levels. I was always taken through a “3 Room Atrium” ritual in Project Mannequin. I had to learn what was actually happening in later years through study of the Rosicrucian teachings. The ancient and modern shamans were taken into three rooms: In the first room, they were asked questions by the master, such as, “Do you wish to know the mystery of your being?” The initiate said “yes,” and they were then taken into the second room. In this room they were shown such magikal secrets as ancient artefacts. In the third room they had to pass a dangerous test, such as fighting another mystery school member or a wild animal.
Certain cultures, such as the Celtic people, practised PSI phenomena for generations in ancient rituals. Modern individuals and families of these old bloodlines made the most suitable candidates for trauma-based mind control because, although they may not have practised PSI abilities themselves, these abilities were still in the person’s genetic memory from their ancestors. This discovery, combined with trauma-based mind control and the latest advancements in military technology, made a very powerful recipe for the creation of an Uberman. The implications of this for groups that wish to control the world are obvious.
Heinrich Himmler and the Special Projects unit of the SS ordered a Nazi research program into Northern European families. The families targeted for this research program were the ones who had practised multi-generational rites of Freemasonry, occultism, and Satanism. Josef Mengele, the infamous “Angel of Death” from the Auswitz concentration camp, stayed at the Tavistock mind control institute in London when British Intelligence brought him here after the Second World War. One of the main projects at the Tavistock Institute was to find the breaking point of human beings. In trauma-based mind control, a Mengele Grid is programmed into the victim using torture and other methods. The victim’s mind would then break into 169 fragments or alter personalities. A type of electro-magnetic grid would be incorporated into the brain, and this would affect brain waves. With the use of cranial implants, an artificial alpha wave transmission could be sustained in horrific situations. This would enable the operative to stay completely calm in intense situations.
Each alter holds memories of the specific mind control procedure and is unaware of the existence of the other alters because of amnesic walls between them. Certain medical symptoms of this procedure have become known today as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) or DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). In mind control cases, each alter or personality can be programmed for a specific task or ability and then called forward using hypnotic triggers. This is done by the handlers of the relevant mind control project to activate the ability and complete the task. These alters are also programmed with post-hypnotic suggestion to forget the task afterward. Only the handlers of the mind control project can call forth the different alters, as only they know the correct hypnotic codes, triggers, and keys to do this.
If the mind control victim is a “sleeper” (a civilian who lives in the a public community), even the closest family members of the person will have no idea that they are DID. In rare cases, an individual will realise their mind has been tampered with in one of the vast numbers of government mind control projects and seek help to de-programme their alters. This is possible with hard work and the right kind of professional help.
The True Origins of Trauma-Based Mind Control
Now the next question is, where did the Nazis acquire this super advanced technology? Here we get into an even more sensitive area and go deeper down the rabbit hole. Over the years, many victims of these mind control projects and government personnel have reported witnessing different types of what can only be described as non-human creatures in various underground facilities around the world. I certainly saw very strange things when I spent time at Peasmore and other underground bases. I’ve lost count of the number of testimonies I’ve been told from intelligence people who have worked in various underground facilities and witnessed non-human creatures.
This begs the question, are these creatures some kind of strange human-animal hybrid or other military genetic creations that were carried on from the Nazi genetic manipulation work? Or, are they extra-terrestrial beings from different planets and star systems? The simple answer is both. My colleagues and I have witnessed and communicated with these beings up close and personal.
For a greater understanding of the ET situation on this planet, it is important to understand that the upper levels of the Germen Nazi government, the US government, and the British government were not only aware of ETs at the time of the Second World War, but were actively working alongside them - this had been going even before the Second World War in the 1930's. The following is a brief summary of the modern history of government involvement with ETs.
Extra-terrestrials and Government Treaties
On July 11th, 1934, the first treaty between the beings, which have become known as the Small Greys (approximately three and a half foot grey beings with large wrap-around eyes from the Orion star system) and the US federal government, under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, occurred aboard a naval ship at the port city of Balboa, Panama. This was one of the most important events in human history because it thrust us into a role we were not prepared for as regards becoming host to a malevolent, extraterrestrial race.
Although there are benevolent “Zetan”’ Greys, these entities did not have humanity’s best interests at heart.
The US government completely disregarded the Constitution of the United States by doing this and not telling the American people. It was here that the agreement was first made between the Greys (who were actually representing a race of reptilian-like beings from the Draconis star system) and representatives of the US intelligence community. The treaty stated that in return for the Greys providing high technology, the US federal government would allow the Greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions for use in an ongoing ET genetic program. The Americans stated they would only agree to the terms if a list of abductees was provided to the government and the abductees returned unharmed with their memories of the event erased. The Greys provided anti-gravity devices, metals and alloys, environment, free energy, and medical technology in return for this.
These Greys basically said they would provide this hardware in exchange for being allowed to infiltrate human society on all levels. This they did and started to replace important world leaders with clones under their control.
Seven years after this treaty, in 1941, the Greys approached the German government and Hitler. A treaty was then arranged with the Nazis. The Greys offered mind control and other technologies to the Germans, and in return wanted human subjects to conduct their genetic experiments on. The information I have is that Hitler told the Greys they were not to touch the German Aryan people but could do what they wanted with the people in the concentration camps. In the last century, Germany and America have been the main areas of Grey and reptilian invasion, as you can see by the vast amounts of people going missing in America lately. This is why the Nazis were so involved with cloning technology and experimentation on twins [re. Dr. Josef Mengele, a.k.a. the Auschwitz Angel of Death, Dr. "Green", Dr. "Greenbaum", principle architect of Project Monarch mind control programming...Ken].
Approximately twenty people in the US and Germany at the time would have been directly involved in the Grey/human treaties. The information was kept on a strictly need-to-know basis within the governments and secret services. Little has changed regarding Grey, government, and concentration camp issues. We now have the Grey, Draco reptilian, and government sell-outs in Britain and America who are torturing test subjects as we speak, installed into underground concentration camps. Many missing people end up in these facilities and are used as slave labour and test subjects. There is a large underground concentration camp under Salisbury plain in Wiltshire. Most of these evil places are built on sacred land, such as Stonehenge, to distort the vortex centres. I went to this facility in 2006 (taken there by a Delta special forces team by plane) and witnessed some of these martial law experiments.
One of my former NSA/DOE contacts was named Dean Warwick (who died on stage in suspicious circumstances at the Probe International conference in Blackpool). Dean worked at the Los Alamos and Alamo Gordo underground facilities in the New Mexico desert. Dean also worked at an underground facility in Hawaii. He saw Greys and reptilians walking around at the Los Alamos facility and also witnessed human test subjects in cages there. Employees at these facilities go through a process known as “desensitisation” before they are allowed in the high security areas, where they may come across ETs and disturbing tests going on. In desensitisation, the employees are injected with such drugs as Scopolamine (an accelerated learning drug) and shown video footage of ETs and horrific scenes of torture and death to enable them to withstand the things they will see. It is mostly the short Greys that employees of underground bases will come across, as the Draco reptilians keep themselves away from human interaction most of the time. Sometimes, however, an employee will wander down a wrong corridor and see a reptilian - this happened to Dean Warwick, Barry King, and Lincoln.
Dean was subcontracted by the NSA in the late 1980's and worked for them until 1992. He was a senior electrical engineer at the Los Alamos facility. He told me there are now over 4000 underground bases worldwide and many of them have ETs in the high security lower levels. X5 also said the underground concentration camps in America and Britain are known as D4 facilities (deep underground military prisons). The major bases worldwide are mainly under the control of the NSA and are classified D1- Deep underground military bases, D2- Deep underwater military bases, D3- Deep under mountain military bases, and D4- Deep underground military prisons (although Lincoln informs me these classifications have now been changed).
The Grey and Draco reptilian ETs working together with the upper levels of different countries’ governments is known by intelligence insiders as MIEC (Military Industrial Extra-terrestrial Complex). Another NSA contact, X3, told me that a global Masonic apparatus above the 33rd degree is controlling upper levels of many governments of the world. The 33rd degree is officially the highest Masonic degree, but in reality, there are many degrees above this. This Masonic degree is the first real level of trust, and most Freemasons never get above the lower Blue degrees. You are either born into a certain bloodline, or you do something that sets you apart from Joe public and are brought into the Elite inner circle. On level 33, a mason often gets access to the highly classified areas of the MIEC. This Masonic degree is known as the first level of “Illumination.” George Bush Sr. is reported to be above the 42nd degree and is deeply entrenched in the MIEC. Insiders also refer to the MIEC as “The Octopus.” [re. Danny Casalaro, 'suicided' August, 1991..Ken]
The Octopus Spreads Its Tentacles
As the MIEC began to expand in the early forties, the second extension of the 1934 Grey and US government treaty was signed in 1944. This treaty was renewed every ten years from 1934 to 1964 and the treaties still are being renewed today. Lincoln has just recently visited the Chrysantheum bio-genetics facility in Dulce, New Mexico, as a new archive system is being set up there. A scientist who has worked there since the 1970’s informed him that a new treaty has just been signed. If people want to know the name, email me and remind me to ask Lincoln. I will then attempt to put this information into the public domain. Dr. Dan Burisch of Area 51 informed the public that one of the more recent treaties goes by the code name of ‘TAU’ with a specific number after the word. I was given permission in writing by a rep of Majestic to approach Dr. Burisch face to face in Las Vegas to discuss a bio-warfare test I saw conducted on civilians at the Wiltshire underground facility. The rep informed me it was inappropriate to discuss this over email. At the present time (15th August 2008) I still have not made contact with Dan, although I would like to at some point. There was also a meeting between Majestic and Lincoln in North Carolina and permission was given for him to work with me.
After 1944, much infighting and chaos broke out in the human government factions of the MIEC. Factions that were loyal to the people of the planet were battling it out with factions that didn't care about the people and just wanted as much technology as they could get there hands on. As well as assassinations and cover-ups, the most important part of the battlefield was information warfare. Positive MIEC factions would leak information into the public about the true ET situation, and then negative factions would come behind them and cover it up with damage containment and psychological warfare programmes for the public, known as “chickenfeed.” Chickenfeed still goes today and has become more complex and confusing. Without “wires” (intel speak for inside connections), it is almost impossible to know what is really going in the world. The NSA is all over the Internet. They are buying up independent journalists, who are not part of controlled mainstream media, to spread their disinformation campaigns.
Hollywood is a major vehicle for this, and the protocol seems to be this: any details of covert projects leaked out are made into a film or included in sections of films so the uneducated public dismisses all the information as science fiction. Hollywood and NBC producer Bob Kiviat has been in touch with me, and I have helped him with his upcoming documentary about a colleague of mine named Simon Anderson/John Leonard Walson. A friend of the actor Dan Akroyd has helped me with some of the information in this book. This man is a member of the U.S intelligence community and has helped Dan write film scripts. He is interested in developing a film script based on my life, but nothing is set in stone when it comes to Hollywood. A colleague of mine named Anthony Pike has also been in touch with Gordon Novel. Gordon is involved with actor Bruce Willis on a new film project called Kingdom Comes. Gordon is heavily connected to the CIA and is the director of the RAAM group based in Las Vegas. I am currently waiting to hear from him. We have been told there was a falling out between RAAM and Majestic, but with all factions currently “sitting around the table” for talks, maybe this can be resolved. Lets act like gentlemen and see what can be worked out.
Before we go into greater detail regarding the treaties, let’s talk more about suppression of real information. Let’s take, for instance, the infamous GLP (God Like Productions) public Internet forum. This site has millions of users, but it is controlled by “moderators” at the Tavistock Institute. There is basically a large room full of computer intel geeks at the facility on Tabernacle Street in London; they control the flow of information here. I’ve posted sensitive information there and had my mother’s address in St. Ives put on the thread with indirect threats on her life. I’ve also had some intel guy with a conscience give me a list of my father’s European drug trafficking routes when he was alive. Add to this, there have been unmarked black helicopters pretending to dive-bomb my flat two hours after posting RV techniques there. That was good for a laugh!
By 1944, the Grey/human treaty was showing signs of stress, as it was discovered that greys were abducting more people than they were putting on the government lists. In May 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the third extension of the Grey and US government treaty was signed - the Grenada Treaty. The Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians blatantly broke the terms, as we shall see later in the book. The Grenada Treaty was agreed upon under the Holloman air force base in New Mexico by the Greys and the ULTRA unit of the NSA. The name of the facility under Holloman AFB was code named DANDELION, although this may have changed now. The ULTRA unit was one of the most elite and super secret of the NSA factions at the time and was ran by Project Paperclip Nazis who were part of the NSA after 1945. All ULTRA members were cloned humans.
The original documents of this treaty and the original ET materials from it can be found today in the NSA facility called Blue Moon. Blue is code word meaning extra-terrestrial related. Blue moon is an underground facility beneath Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico. The entrance to the base is in the Manzano Mountains. Inside Blue Moon is the technological headquarters of the very secretive DOE, which Lincoln and Dean Warwick work[ed] for. Today, the DOE at Blue Moon is building free energy devices, developed from Grey and Draco reptilian technology, for use in space. Many advanced space-based weapons have been built, as well. MIEC insider Dr. Bill Deagle was told by the director of the US space command that they control every cubic centimetre of space between here and Mars. The director also told Bill that they have weapons that would make George Lucas drool if he knew about them. Trillions of dollars have been spent on this technology over the decades since the first modern Grey and Human treaties were started.
Bill Deagle points out this is not just one government administration or the trans-national corporations involved in these areas. He says we are dealing with malevolent evil on a galactic level. Dr. Bill told me over the phone that he worked with employees of underground facilities in the US who were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder because of witnessing ET/human hybrids and other horrors in these bases. He was also asked to join the 33rd degree illuminated Masonic levels of the MIEC. He is considered a dangerous man who knows too much by these groups and was approached by a Frenchman, code named Pindar [Arizona Wilder talks about "Pindar" in David Icke's 1999 book, The Biggest Secret, and also discusses Pindar with Icke in a 1999 video interview title Revelations of a Modther Goddess. He is a member of the Black Nobility of Merovingians of France...Ken] after Bill's daughter was born. Bill told me Pindar looked to be in his late fifties with a very professional manner. He wore an expensive suit, had manicured nails, and seemed to disappear when he walked off down the street after Bill refused to become part of the organisation.
Technology exists called Thermoptic Camouflage that can render a secret service man invisible to the naked eye. It is small device that can be worn on the belt and activated at will. A secret service man can also be put through a Thermoptic field and will become invisible to the naked eye for over forty-eight hours. There is no need to carry the Thermoptic hardware around if you are put through the field; however, after the forty-eight hours is up, the agent starts to phase back into sight and becomes violently ill for a short time.
An American woman who lived in Nevada contacted me last year and told me she had hired a private detective because of black government type cars regularly circling her house, parking outside, and following her when she was driving. One night, she was driving along a desert highway and one of the black cars started to follow her again. She managed to lose it by hitting the gas and sharply turning into a quiet side road. She turned the engine off and got out of the car to wait until the car following her had driven off. This woman then told me she heard footsteps crunching on the gravel toward her, but she could see no one there. She said she felt something next to her, and an invisible hand then grabbed her crotch. She panicked and jumped back into her car and drove off.
Military advancements and Project Plato
With each ET/human treaty, the governments were becoming more advanced, and there were now groups of people that were literally thousands of years more advanced than the civilian population. For every one year that goes by, since the start of these treaties, military technology advances by over fifty years. I heard it best from Phil Schneider, who said that every now and then, the public gets a new computer or some other piece of technology from the MIEC, but these are just little trinkets similar to when the early white American settlers would give beads to the Indians.
On April 15th, 1964, two US intelligence personnel met under Project Plato with the Greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25th at Holloman air force base in New Mexico. This meeting was to renew the treaty that had started in 1934 again and was a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the Greys and Draco reptilians. The upper levels of US intelligence now believed the Greys and Dracos had this planet time-tabled for invasion and takeover between the years 2000 and 2030.
I have come across huge amounts of evidence that many Greys and Draco reptilians may have actually been on this planet (installed underground) since at least the time of ancient Babylon. They may have been covertly subverting the human surface population over a long period of time in preparation for the return of the fearsome Draco Prime overlords from Alpha Draconis.
Around 1887, several disc-shaped craft were observed in the sky. In 1887, US president Grover Cleveland created a secret committee to investigate these objects; he secretly funded the five-member group. Grover Cleveland was the only US president to serve two non-consecutive terms. He was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States from 1885-1889 and 1893-1897. A team run by the five-member group called “The Suits,” as they wore black suits, questioned many eyewitnesses. Members of the press were contacted and asked not to report the sightings to the public. John G. Carlisle (Speaker of the House) headed the five-man committee and the advised the President not to release the information until the facts were understood. The more information they gathered, the more they realised this was a job too big for the small committee.
Benjamin Harrison became the 23rd President, and John Carlisle retired as Speaker of the House to devote his time to the strange disc craft. The secret committee then became a secret division of the US government called the Central Group. The Central group's headquarters was set up in tunnels below Washington D.C. code named “The Land of Nod.” Most of the Federal Government did not know about the Central Group.
At this time, England began seeing strange flying craft. In 1896, the English skies were full of “glowing orbs” that criss-crossed the sky in the day and night. Queen Victoria appointed a secret group to investigate these flying objects, and secret studies in England led to contact with the Central Group in the US. They quickly joined forces and became the United Nations Intelligence and Tactics Agency for Aerial Phenomenon or Central UNIT –AAP, also known as UNITAAP or UNITAP. UNITAP was divided into four sections. Their symbol became a red cross within a circle, which was associated with the planet Mars. In 1933, Central UNIT-AAP was officially shorted to the code name Central UNIT.
Later, this name was leaked in England, and a cover story was created involving various science fiction stories to cover the real activities of UNIT.
After this time during the ET and Human treaties, UNIT took control of the central core of the National Security Council (NSC), NSA, CIA and ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). Other study groups were then hired to get deeper into the flying disc matter, such the Jason Scholar Group, Project Rand, and Page Research. These groups were connected to MAJIC (Majestic Agency for Joint Intelligence Command), also known as Majestic. MAJIC security codes were MAJIC UMBRA, CRITICAL, AND ULTRA. ULTRA was above top secret. There is talk of introducing new code words for classification systems. Lincoln has heard the words CORONA, AIMPOINT, HYPERNOVA, and ARC.
In 1951, there was a Majestic meeting in Paris, France, in which the organisation expanded to take in other countries. The cover was MJ (Magnetic Journey) studies. Majestic was also known as MJ-12. They met with key powers in 12 countries: the US, England, France, Germany, Canada, Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Greenland, and Columbia (with links to other countries in South and Central America).
- End of Chapter 3 -

Chapter 4, The River of Love

Chapters Index
Chapter 1, Project Mannequin
Chapter 2 , The Return of The Watchers
Chapter 3, The Modern History of Behaviour Modification
Chapter 4, The River of Love
Chapter 5, Born into the Project

Project Mannequin, Part 2 The Return of the Watchers

By James Casbolt
E-Y Posted September 8, 2008
Excerpted from Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (2008)
Chapter 2
The reason this book is the first of its kind is because, along with my testimony, it includes official letters of recommendation and verification from high-level operatives in the intelligence community. One of these men is a member of the 33rd Degree of Zion Illuminati. He holds an UMBRA-8 (eight levels above top secret) NSA and DOE (Department of Energy) security clearance, which only five hundred people in the U.S hold, and works in various military bases in Tennessee.
I am considered a military genius (their words not mine) by certain members of the intelligence apparatus for my high level of accuracy in remote viewing vectors. I have recently completed RV work for Lincoln (my Illuminati contact) and a section of British Intelligence. My vector intension was set at two locations:
1) NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland
2) An underground facility in Oak Ridge, North Carolina
Both sessions were confirmed as accurate by the black-ops community and mentioned in the letter by Lincoln. Other recent RV sessions that received feedback as very accurate include:
3) An underwater NATO facility off the coast of Corfu in Greece
4) The ‘Chrysantheum’ underground bio-genetics facility in Dulce, New Mexico
Even with Lincoln’s high security clearance, he has come against a brick wall when attempting to access my Project Mannequin files. The personal details of my Mannequin files are so highly classified, the documents are ‘CLASS-8,’ which means they cannot be accessed on the NSA database and must be collected or read on paper by hand - the operative must have a need to know.
My files are stored in secure NSA facilities at Ashburton in Devon in the U.K, Fort Meade in Maryland, and a facility in Utah. My Umbra files are stored at a facility in Linville, North Carolina. The remote viewing session I vectored for British Intelligence was actually the secure vault at Fort Meade, where the CLASS-8 files are stored.
This vault contains hardware so advanced it can detect remote viewers entering through tiny fluctuations in air and then disable them with electro-magnetic/scalar waves. A small amount of my files have been located by an NSA operative, whom I will refer to as “Sylus,” and given to me and the British Intelligence faction I am involved with. This man is deeply embedded with Project Mannequin himself but cannot access over half of my files.
The people running the AL/499 facility in Berkshire and the connected underground bases are a hard-line military regime that is ultimately a religious cult centred around the corrupt Zionists and Rosicrucians. These places are religious centres where so-called ‘black magick’ rites are performed, ancient deities worshipped, and children trained and sacrificed. As former Illuminati member Leo Zagami says, Black Magick (the control of electro-magnetic energy for harm) is the oldest form of military technique known to man.
We are told in the mainstream media that children in ‘uncivilised’ countries such as Burma, Africa, and South America are forced to join the military and kill for their country. Well, guess what people, this exact same situation happens right here in the U.K and the U.S. - you are just not told about it.
This situation is slowly changing with people like Cathy O Brian, Duncan O Finioan, Andy Pero, ‘Svali’, Cisco Wheeler, and others coming forward who were used by their governments for covert operations and trained from a very young age. These people are all from America, however, and the situation in this country is that Barry King and I are the only talking survivors of black projects in the U.K. I am considered the youngest talking survivor of mind control projects in modern history. To understand Project Mannequin, we must get a basic understanding of the belief system of the people running it. I will not attack the Rosicrucian and Zionists as a whole because I know many great and noble men in these orders who have aided me in my cause to stop the horrors of the program. I count these individuals as my kinsmen. From my understanding, many of the secret religious orders of today (such as The Magi, The Zoroastrians, The 33rd Degree of Zion, The White Lotus society, The Rosicrucians, etc) are divided into two main factions. One is loyal in their beliefs to the so-called fallen angels, who were loyal to the fallen angel Lucifer, at the time of the Great Flood mentioned in the Bible.
The Magi and Zoroastrians are known as the ‘Muslim Illuminati’ and have centres in the U.K., such as 440 Alexandra Street, Harrow, Middlesex, HAZ 9TL, tel- 020 8866 0765. There are also Muslim Illuminati centres in Rayners Lane in London. The Rosicrucian Illuminati have centres in the U.K. at places such as the Francis Bacon Lodge in Peckham, London and their HQ, which is at Greenwood Gate, Blackhill, Crowborough, TN6 1XE, tel- 01892 653197.
The White Lotus Society is known as the ‘Chinese Illuminati’ and has over 250,000 assassins working for them. Former 32nd degree mason Benjamin Fulford has been in contact with me and offered me protection by the White Lotus society if I came to the east; however, this is not viable at the present time. Benjamin was threatened by ninjas working for the Western Illuminati when working in Japan and came under the wing of the White Lotus society because of this. There is now open war between the two factions. Google ‘Chinese secret society warns Illuminati’ to understand this.
The fallen angels were known in Hebrew as ‘Irin,’ meaning ‘those who watch’. This is translated into Greek as ‘Grigori,’ meaning ‘Watchers’. Other factions of these secret societies base their teachings around more ‘Christian’ principles and the ancient Book of Enoch. This ancient text includes accounts of the watchers, and many of the early Christian church leaders used the work from the first to the third centuries AD.
During the age of the ‘Church Fathers,’ from the fourth century onward, the Book of Enoch started to become suppressed. This led to the strange decision by St Augustine (AD 354-430) that the Book of Enoch was too old (Ob nimian antiquitatem) to be included in scripture. Rabbi Simeon Ben Jochai also worked toward the book being pushed underground when he declared that all are cursed who believe angels are flesh and blood beings that physically came to earth. This is exactly what they are, however. What we know as ‘angels’ are extra-terrestrial beings, as anyone investigating subjects mentioned in this book is starting to realise.

The belief in physical angels was declared as heresy, and the text did go underground and straight into the hands of the secret societies. The benevolent sections of the Illuminati and other secret societies are loyal in their beliefs to the angels of Yud-heh-vav-heh, which is one of the Hebrew names of ‘God.’
This is why the real secrets of freemasonry are taught at the 33rd degree. The Watchers descended from other planets onto earth in ancient times onto Mt. Hermon just north of Dan/Kaish in the Middle East. This mountain is on the 33rd degree latitude. When you reach the 33rd degree of masonry, you enter the ‘Illuminati’ degrees and are taught the ‘secrets of the angels.’ Conspiracy theorists who say that the Illuminati and Freemasonry are responsible for all the evil and corruption in the world do not know what they are talking about. At the same time, I would say that corrupt factions in these groups are responsible for much of world’s problems.
Do the trials and initiations of Project Mannequin make an individual stronger and wiser? The answer is yes - there is no doubt of this. It also leaves the individual involved with a type of bloodlust that is very dangerous, and many people involved in the project have ended up committing suicide and experiencing chronic drug and alcohol addictions. Many have also developed depression and panic disorders later in life. The use of children in the project is also unacceptable in my view. At this point, I have to ask myself why I was tricked and forced to take part in high-level Rosicrucian rituals, such as the ‘three room atrium’ initiation in 2006? I will discuss this in more detail, but on contemplating this, I have come to the following conclusion:
The Illuminists will argue that only individuals trained from childhood in certain ‘blood trials,’ where each level becomes more dangerous, can survive the military campaigns they will carry out as adults. They say this is not just a matter of national security for any one country but the survival of the human race. What is so horrific that a soldier must be trained from early childhood to endure?
The shocking answer is that Project Mannequin operatives will come face to face, sometimes even in conflict situations, with malevolent and terrifying extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional life forms. These ‘xeno-breeds’ are so terrifying to witness, the sight of one could kill or drive insane most ordinary men. This may sound laughable to the uneducated civilian but is taken deadly serious by those in the highest corridors of power. This happened in the 1960’s during the infamous ‘Dulce battle,’ when scientists at the genetics facility were taken hostage by reptilian-like extra-terrestrial life forms who had been working with the U.S. Government underneath the New Mexico desert. The Special Forces teams who went in for the attempted rescue had to be hypnotised and drugged to cope with the situation. Keep an open mind, and read the following evidence. Arm yourself with the truth, as this situation has now come to a head on this planet and will be in your face in the upcoming years.
As my friend Ronnie McMullen says- “The truth stands by itself, all alone. The truth needs no help from anything or anyone to be absolute.” Some things are facts, and the following is the absolute truth:
In 1945, the infamous ‘Project Paperclip’ was started. This program was run by British Intelligence and the American organisation called the OSS (Office of Strategic Services). Paperclip involved bringing the leading Nazi scientists in mind control, genetic engineering, and other technological areas to America and Britain after the Second World War. The CIA was created two years after this in the American National Security act of 1947 to handle the massive number of mind control, cloning, and other covert projects that were born from Paperclip. The NSA is the sister organisation to the CIA and is now a more powerful entity.
1947 was also the year of the Roswell crash and when Israel was formed. A year later in 1948, a genetic bloodline study was started in Britain to locate gifted children to be used for espionage by the intelligence community. This was called ‘Project Anvil’ but changed its name to ‘Project Oaktree’ in the 1950’s. Oaktree was under the command of the NSA by this time and was being run from Harwell genetics laboratories in Oxfordshire. It was connected to all the major hospitals in the U.K. and was connected to the Mannequin program that I was born into. Mannequin was started in 1972 at the Peasemore base near where I grew up in Tilehurst, Berkshire.
Project Oaktree was actually set up to locate the descendants of the ‘Tribe of Dan,’ which is the so-called ‘Lost Tribe of Israel’. These middle-eastern people were of white skin, and the descendants are not actually lost but kept secret. Some people may have heard of the ‘British Israelites,’ and Gordon Brown is heavily into this school of thought. The Tribe of Dan travelled from Dan (‘Kaish’ in Hebrew) just below Mt Hermon and went up into Greece around the time of the Exodus. In Greece, they were known as the Spartans. From Greece they travelled to France where they were the Merovingian Priest-Kings and other French Royal lines. From France they travelled to Scotland, Ireland and America. They were known as the ‘Tuatha De Danann’ in Ireland and Celtic clans, such as the ‘Campbells’ in Scotland. They were worshippers of the Goddess of energy, such as Asartes and Ishtar and were heavily into animal shamanism, such as bird and snake symbology. The eagle is one of their symbols, and the eagle on the American coat of arms and the NSA symbol represents the Tribe of Dan.
The owl is also another of their symbols, which represents the ‘angel’ Ishtar.
This is a very holy bloodline with powerful PSI abilities. The Luciferian religions believe that by abusing children and people of this bloodline, they are directly attacking God. The Watchers had good and evil amongst them. Archangel Michael is named as a physical watcher in the Middle East in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ is mentioned in this work. This battle still rages today. Some say Project Oaktree was ultimately looking for the human descendants of the Watchers. We have to ask ourselves why are the 12 tribes of Israel so important, and who physically ‘seeded’ these bloodlines. The answers we are given by the religious institutes of the world, such as “They are God’s chosen people,” will not suffice anymore. People ask why are they called the Watchers. The answer seems to be because of their ability to project their consciousness out of the body and perform an ancient form of advanced remote viewing.
-End of Chapter 2-

Chapter 3, The Modern History of Behaviour Modification

Chapters Index
Chapter 1, Project Mannequin
Chapter 2 , The Return of The Watchers
Chapter 3, The Modern History of Behaviour Modification
Chapter 4, The River of Love
Chapter 5, Born into the Project